Lex Lumen Research Journal
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Copyright Policy Of Lex Lumen Research Journal

  1. Copyright Ownership

Upon acceptance and publication of a manuscript in the Lex Lumen Research Journal, the copyright for the work transfers to the journal. Authors agree that Lex Lumen Research Journal holds the copyright for all published material, including articles, research papers, and other scholarly content & journal has right to remove any content that is against the ethical concerns of journal, if found after post-publication .

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The Lex Lumen Research Journal qualifies as an open-access journal based on the standards set by the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) to support wide dissemination and accessibility of scholarly knowledge. All published articles are available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike (CC BY-NC-SA) license, Meaning:

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Lumen Research Journal reserves the right to modify this Copyright Policy as needed, with changes applicable to all works published after the policy update